The Tehran Conference, Nov 28-Dec 1, 1943
The Tehran Conference was one of the biggest successes in history of diplomacy. It caused a major turning point in World War II. If this conference had not taken place than the war would have gone on longer and millions more people would have died. After Operation Overlord, the "Big Three" expected that there would be more battles to fight but the worst was behind them. If it weren’t for this conference, I believe that the Germans could have taken over. The Tehran Conference was also started the United Nations Organization. The United Nations is an international organization where leaders from all the countries, from the smallest to the biggest, come to discuss international affairs. The organization decides the fate of every single country.What also made this a memorable event was that it was one of only two times that the "Big Three" met all together. Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt, also known as the "Big Three", had come to together to discuss the political matter of how to stop Hitler and his accomplices. The Tehran Conference was also one of the most important political events in the world. This conference helped shape our modern world.
"Emerging from these cordial conferences we look with confidence to the day when all peoples of the world may live free lives, untouched by tyranny, and according to their varying desires and their own consciences." //ROOSEVELT, CHIRCHILL and STALIN