The Tehran Conference, Nov 28-Dec 1, 1943


  • September 1939: The start of the Second World War - Germany invasion of Poland;
  • May 1940: Germany invades Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands;Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the UK;
  • June 1941: Germany invades Russia;
  • July 1942: Battle of Stalingrad - One of the bloodiest battles in the WWII, first major defeat of Germany on the Eastern Front;
  • November 1943: The Tehran Conference - the final plan for the war against Nazi Germany was finalized by Allies (Russia, USA, and UK);
  • June 1944: Operation Overlord - US and British troops landed into Normandy, opening the second front; 
  • May 1945: End of WWII - Germany and its allies have been defeated;
  • Nov 1945 - Oct 1946: Nuremberg Trials -  major German military officials had been accused and most had been executed;
  • April 1945: United Nations Organization was founded.